
The Sellout Mini-Guide: Intro

Let me share a wild story with you:

A few years ago, I found myself counting $10k cash (all $20’s) in the restroom stall of Grand Lux Cafe…

(Think of Grand Lux as a much more upscale version of Cheesecake Factory, with much better food and ambience…)

This was feeling more like a drug deal or a shady big ticket Craigslist transaction than a business deal.

But guess what?

It was a legit business sale!

You see, I was selling out…


I had decided to sell a small streaming content brand I built with my partner—think of it like Netflix, but for health and wellness.

The $10k cash was the final cash installment paid to me to acquire the company.

(I won’t disclose the full sales price for privacy reasons)

And in exchange I gave the buyer a USB drive.

The deal was sealed…

Now, you might be wondering, what’s the deal with that USB drive?

What could be on it that’s worth more than $10k???

And how could a “company” be on a drive?

Well, first you have to understand something:

Selling a company isn’t just about “how to sell a company” — like contracts, terms and stuff you’d think normally equate to that.

It’s more about “what makes a company buyable.”
in other words, what makes your brand worthy of being bought?

In this Sprint, we’ll dive into how to sell a small business…

But this isn’t just for sellers.

Even if you don’t plan on ever selling your company, in this lesson you’ll learn how to make your brand more valuable for YOU too.

You see…

Big corporate billion dollar deals aren’t the only game in town—there’s money to be made in selling small blogs with high traffic and even monetized YouTube channels.

In these next lessons I’ll share how I sold a small brand I built years ago.

And I’ll go into what made it valuable enough for someone to even want to buy.

🎯So buckle up, and let’s get down to business in the first step: 

The secret to increasing your brand’s value...