
Storm-Disaster Power Essentials:

Top 3 Picks for Affordable &
Reliable Storm Backup Generators





Don't Let the Next Hurricane Leave You in the Dark...

Power Your Fridge, Charge Devices & Stay Cool Without Any Generator Noise, Dangerous Fumes or Expensive Costs...

You see...

The Threat Is Real...

Re-imagine going days without power:

  • Spoiled food, dead phones, no AC...
  • Dangerous conditions with no lights or communication...
  • The stress of not knowing when the power will return...

Don't wait until it's too late...

(And don't think for a second you can rely on the power companies next time...)


The next storm could hit at any time...

Hurricane Beyrl was just a Category 1 Hurricane...

Imagine if a Category 2 or 3 (or 5) hits...

Would you be ready???


Then it's time you get ready...

Invest in your family's safety and comfort today.

The following generators offer clean, quiet power that will keep you connected and your food fresh when you need it most...

And with over 100,000 satisfied customers, you'll have the confidence to know you've made the right choice...

Our top 3 picks offer peace of mind:

Pick #1:

• Charge 0-100% in 80 mins with AC input
• Massive capacity for extended outages
• 1024Wh Battery can run high-wattage appliances
• Multiple charging options, including solar
• Perfect for larger homes or off-grid use

• 768Wh Battery Powers essential appliances for hours
• Quick 70 min. charge time 0-100%
• Easy to use, even for non-tech savvy users
• Ideal for smaller homes or apartments

• 256 Wh Battery Powers full-size fridge for 8+ hours
• Runs both fridge and AC unit simultaneously
• Quick 60 min. charge time 0-100%
• Silent operation, no fumes
• Lightweight and portable



Being unprepared isn't just inconvenient – it can be dangerous...

Choose one of these reliable backup options now and face the next storm with confidence..


Put your faith back in the hands of the power companies...

And HOPE they don't let you down (again)...

Your choice.